Debra Black, M.A., MBA

Debra Black, M.A., MBA
Adjunct Professor
M.A. Theology, Christendom Graduate School
Certified, Spiritual Direction, The Lanteri Center for Ignatian Spirituality
I have been working for 45 years beginning in business and then moving into the business of education. This begins my 35th year in international higher education, and 22 of it has been in online programs. I’ve developed and taught the courses as well as developed programs for training faculty. While I’ve taught most areas of business, primarily my work has been in leadership and organizational management. The 20 years I spent with the University of Liverpool’s graduate management program was amazing. My students were business professionals around the world, and I learned much from them. But I can say that for all of my students at any of my past and present universities. Learning is lifelong, and I enjoy learning from anyone I meet!
Now how did I land here? I am a cradle Catholic, and in 1998 I completed the full 19th annotation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. I was blessed to be directed by Sr. Gabrielle Marry IBVM and three years later took it in a small group format directed by Sr. Conscilio IBVM. I was an associate to the Loreto sisters until 2009. I then began the Spiritual Director Training Program with the Lanteri Center for Ignatian Spirituality in 2013 and was missioned in 2015. In addition to providing spiritual direction these past nine years, my spiritual writings are found at The Face of Grace Project. I am also an occasional contributor to and Finally, in addition to leading individuals through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, I lead small group formations in the discernment of spirits and prayer based in the teachings of the saints.
So I was thrilled to join Divine Mercy University’s faculty training spiritual directors as it allows me to bring my strengths and skillsets into the work for which God has prepared me: guiding others to develop an intimate relationship with Him.
In my ‘spare’ time, I am a perpetual member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. My past public service roles have spanned board room to street gutter. I’ve been a city commissioner, pregnancy clinic board of directors, teen parent mentor for Parents Anonymous, public citizen activism, and homeless street ministry. In parish leadership, I have served on Parish Council, RCIA team, Adoration coordinator, and Pro-Life Committee/40 Days for Life. Other parish service includes youth and college ministry, bible study, and fundraising. God now has me doing His work contemplatively rather than boots-on-the-ground, accompanying efforts in prayer rather than working directly in the parish or community effort.