Gifts of Stock

Gifts of stock offers a tax benefit in two ways. First, the donor avoids paying capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock. Second, the donor can take a tax deduction for the full market value of the stock on the date of the gift. For example, if a donor gives one share of stock to DMU that was purchased for $1000 in 1990 and is valued at $1750 today, the donor will avoid paying any tax on the $750 gain from the original investment. Further, he is allowed to claim a tax-deductible gift of $1750.

You may make a gift of stock by asking your stock broker to transfer the number of shares you would like to donate to DMU. To learn more about how you can make a gift of stock, please email our Development Office.

Planned Gifts

The simplest way to support DMU through a planned gift is by updating your will or living trust and making Divine Mercy University a beneficiary. Simply contact your attorney and ask to add the following language to your will or living trust.

“I give, devise and bequeath to Divine Mercy University (Tax ID: ), 45154 Underwood Lane
Sterling, VA 20166 (insert specific dollar amount, percentage, or residue of my estate), for its general use and purpose.”

By making this simple update to your estate plan, you will make a significant impact on DMU’s work to promote Christ-centered mental health, and you will avoid all federal, state, and local estate taxes that might affect the heirs of your estate.

Memorial Gifts & Funds

Memorial Gifts may be made to honor a member of the DMU community or to remember deceased loved ones. This meaningful tribute will help honor their memory and their values for years to come. If you would like to make a memorial gift, simply make note of your wishes and send it in with the donation. To learn more how you can make a memorial gift, please email our Advancement Offic

Matching Gifts

Make your gift to DMU go even further! Many corporations and foundations match gifts from their employees on a one-to-one or two-to-one basis. When making a gift to DMU be sure to contact your employer to see if they will match your gift to DMU and double your impact!

Gifts Through an Individual Retirement Fund (IRA)

Individuals who are 70½ or older may make a charitable gift to Divine Mercy University directly from their IRA. This tax-free contribution is a wonderful way to support our mission.

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