Jennifer Ristine, M.A.
Adjunct Professor

Jennifer Ristine, M.A.
Adjunct Professor
M.A. in Ignatian Spirituality, Graduate Program: Comillas Pontifical University
Spiritual Direction Certificate, Divine Mercy University
M.A. in Theology, Catholic Distance University
Mater Ecclesiae, Formation Program for consecrated women, equivalent to a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral and Religious Studies, in conjunction with Regina Apostolorum, Rome
B.S. in Special Education (Learning Disabled and Behavior Disordered), Western Illinois University
Associates Degree: Education Emphasis, Waubonsee Community College
Jennifer Ristine has been consecrated in the Regnum Christi movement since 1997. She has participated in various initiatives that offer spiritual, cultural, and faith formation through spiritual direction, retreats, conferences, and/or teaching. She is currently stationed in the DC area and serving nationally through conferences, retreats, and as a contributor for the Regnum Christi Spirituality Center.
Her educational background includes special education, pedagogy, and pastoral and religious studies. She obtained her Masters in Theology from Catholic Distance University. Jennifer served as a professor of Education, Theology and Spirituality courses in Mater Ecclesiae College from 2003-2014. From 2014 to 2018 she served in Magdala, Israel. She is the author of Mary Magdalene: Insights from Ancient Magdala.