Pat Lynch


Pat Lynch

Associate Professor


BBA Management, Gonzaga University

1.720.505.9150 AZ Time


An eternal optimist. Grateful. Blessed. Loved. Pat tries to be “a contemplative in action”. These are just a few words which describe him.
Having graduated from the Lanteri Center’s Spiritual Direction Program in 2017, Pat has been directing primarily lay people in all walks of life. 
Pat grew up a ‘cradle Catholic’ yet spent time learning about other religions to leverage what he could to enhance his Catholic Faith.

A graduate of Gonzaga University with a BBA in Management, Pat’s professional business career has been eclectic. He believes in giving back and so volunteering throughout his life and starting two non-profit organizations is simply what Jesus has called him to do.

Married over thirty years, Pat and his wife are not blessed with children, yet have been blessed with enumerable friendships – especially with priests and seminarians.

As a former Jesuit Novice, a key grace Pat received while on his thirty-day silent retreat was during the meditation of Christ on the Cross. There is nothing I can do for Jesus. He just asks, “will you be with me as I die for you?”

As a Spiritual Director, Pat’s role with his directees is one of accompaniment – to be with them as they seek a deeper, more meaningful relationship in their walk with the Lord. He is empathic to the directee’s sacred story, and serves as a helper between the Holy Spirit and the directee.

Pat enjoys road cycling, snow skiing, walks with his wife, and working part time as a First Responder and Chaplain in Southeast AZ.