Divine Mercy University’s Psy.D. Students Earn APA Accredited Internship Placement
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Divine Mercy University’s Psy.D. Students Earn APA Accredited Internship Placement

Seven out of eight Psy.D.students at Divine Mercy University who participated in the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) Phase 1 pre-doctoral application process matched with an APA-accredited site. 

man in long sleeve shirt standing beside girl in pink tank top washing hands
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Supporting Our Children’s Mental Health

November is children’s mental health awareness month. While it has been challenging for all of us as we face the novel difficulties of COVID-19 together, these times presents a unique challenge to our children’s mental health. Since 2020, a survey noted that 55 percent of children felt “more depressed, sad, or unhappy” versus 25 percent…