Tuition and Fees for the 2024-2025 academic year for all programs

Tuition Per Credit Hour
Psy D (122 Course Credits) $1,205
MS in Psychology (Online)(36 Course Credits) $876
MS in Counseling (66 Course Credits) $953
SD Certification Program $800
Audit Tuition 50% program tuition/credit hour
Fees for all Degree Programs Per occurrence
Application Fee $55
Late Registration Fee $60
Graduation Fee $75
Returned check fee (each service) $35
Diploma replacement fee $50
Fees PsyD Program Per Semester (unless specified otherwise)
Technology Fee (per semester) $50
Library Fee (per semester) $110
Student Activity fee (per semester) $30
Lab Fee (PSY 608, PSY 613, PSY 836) $130 for each lab $130
PsyD Continuous Enrollment Fee (per occurrence) $603
Fees MS Counseling Program Per course
Technology Fee per Course $50
Residency Fee (COUN 510, COUN 580, COUN 690) $1,650
Lab Fees (COUN 540, COUN 620, COUN 640 I, II, III) $75
Fees MS Psychology Program Per course
Technology Fee per Course $50
Residency Fee MSP (online) $250
Fees SDC Program Per course
Application Fee $25
Residency Fee SDC $1,100
SDC Practicum Enrollment Fee (Per Term) $50
SDC Practicum with Supervision Fee (Per Term) $100
Graduation Fee $60
Returned check fee (each service) $35
Diploma replacement fee $50

Payment of Student Account
The University requires students to satisfy their student account at the time of registration, prior to attending classes. The Financial Aid Office and the Business Office are available to assist students in obtaining resources for meeting these financial obligations.

Payment Plans
The University offers payment plans as an option for students who are unable to satisfy their student account at the time of registration. Applications for payment plans will be considered on an individual basis, through the Business Office.