Giovanni Radhitio Putra Sadewo, PhD

Giovanni Radhitio Putra Sadewo, PhD
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Cross-Cultural Psychology, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Giovanni Radhitio Putra Sadewo obtained his Ph.D. in Cross-Cultural Psychology from La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, in 2018. Since then, he had been involved in multiple research projects with the main focus on the use of Social Network Analysis. Some of the most recent research projects were the study of PTSD and depression among bushfire survivors, Islamic extremists network(s), outlaw motorcycle gang network, and McCarrick’s network. His research interest is to look at how ideas or ideology interplay with the person’s social network and how it might affect the person’s mental health. In addition, he is also interested in looking at the social network(s) of clergies, religious, and seminarians. He is currently resided in Melbourne Australia. Originally from Indonesia, he moved to Australia in 2010 and has been there ever since. In his spare time, he likes reading books on spirituality, theology, or second world war history. He is a big fan of St John Cassian teachings (which he believes that St John Cassian should be the patron saint for psychologist). He is also a SciFi geek, although he does not like the more recent SciFi.