Practical skills for how to care for yourself when working in situations of trauma or crisis
Meets the requirement for Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator certification
Compassion Fatigue Practitioner
Practical skills for how to care for others in times of crisis or trauma
Meets the requirement for Certified Compassion Fatigue Practitioner herapist certification
Disaster Trauma
Orientation to the various stages of a disaster event and what types of interventions are appropriate for each stage
Hands-on skills for intervention including how to work with a team to help survivors of trauma and disaster
Counseling and psychological techniques for debriefing along with practical intervention skills
Meets partial requirement for Certified Field Traumatologist certification
Child and Adolescent Trauma
Clinical theory and application to work with children and adolescents
Strategies such as modified sand tray to help children and adolescents open up quickly, metaphors using puppets, and narrative stories
Discussion of early attachment theory, resiliency factors, and warning signs
Meets partial requirement for Master Traumatologist certification
Treating Traumatized Families
Recognize family systems relative to traumatic stress and be able to provide systematic interventions with the entire traumatized family
Clinical theory and application of working with domestic violence and family trauma
Meets partial requirement for Certified Traumatologist certification
Assessment and Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
How to diagnose PTSD and identify the most effective intervention strategies
Discussions of Exposure Therapy and rapid reduction techniques and their effectiveness for traumatized clients
Situations that cause people to be vulnerable to experiencing PTSD and how early intervention can make a significant difference in treatment
Meets partial requirement for Certified Traumatologist certification
Treatment and Intervention for Domestic Violence
Power and control issues in relationships and strategies for maintaining control in relationships vs. balancing the relationships with aspects of equality
Treatment and intervention strategies of working with batterers and victims
Discussion of coordinating community programs in addition to profile and characteristics of both batterers and survivors.
Legal definitions of domestic violence
Treating Anxiety and Phobia (EMDR Level One)
A technique and skills course teaching the use of EMDR as a rapid reduction technique for anxiety and PTSD symptoms
Explores the 8 protocols, special populations, legal and ethical issues, and the historical background of EMDR
Meets partial requirement for the Certified Traumatologist certification
Cannot be taken online due to supervision requirements
EMDR Level Two
Continuation of EMDR Level 1
Major focus on complex trauma, increased relaxation skills, and working with deeper levels of bilateral stimulation
Greater exploration of cognitive interweave which coordinates with a comprehensive counseling treatment plan
Grief and Loss
Apply and use specific skills in helping survivors to begin the process of grieving and to facilitate positive movement and outcomes
Synthesize various models of intervention related to grief and loss when working with first responders and survivors in field situations of disaster/trauma.
Meets partial requirement for Master Traumatologist certification
Psychological First Aid
Apply strategies of Psychological First Aid when working with First Responders and survivors in a crisis or disaster
Meets partial requirement for Master Traumatologist certification
Gestalt/Experiential Workshop
Founded by Fritz Perls and others, Gestalt is one of the Existential/Humanistic theories
Utilizes empty chair work, use of introjects, projection, and dream interpretation
This is not a trauma training workshop
Cannot be taken online due to the experiential nature of the workshop
Understanding and Treating Sexual Trauma
Utilize and identify characteristics of a dysfunctional family system that may lead to sexual trauma and abuse
Apply and use strategies for working with those who have been affected by sexual trauma while in the healing process
Assess, synthesize, and use diagnostic criteria to determine appropriate intervention for those who have been sexually traumatized
Meets partial requirement for Master Traumatologist certification
Healing Emotional/Affective Responses to Trauma (HEART Model)
A Christian Approach to treating complex trauma and human trafficking, research over the last 6 years has demonstrated the HEART Model significantly decreases PTSD symptoms, depression and anxiety
It has also shown to positive increase personal resiliency and positive God Image with clients in a variety of populations
Rooted in a process of healing cognitive and spiritual distortions through self and spiritual forgiveness
Meets partial requirement for Master Traumatologist certification
Cannot be taken online due to supervision requirements
Other Courses
Added periodically because of interest, certifications, program affiliations, or additions to the Center’s curriculum