
Global Campus Faculty Highlights for 2024

Robin Treptow MSP


Treptow, R. L. & Feder, J. (2024). Trisomy 21: An overview for child psychiatrists. The Carlat Child Psychiatry Report. Solicited manuscript for January 2024 publication).

Treptow, R. L. (2024). Addressing implicit bias: Trisomy 21. The Carlat Child Psychiatry Report.

Solicited manuscript for January 2024 publication).


Treptow, R. L. (2024, August 8). Babies can’t wait: An infant mental health lens on racial equity. In

R. L. Treptow (Chair). Racism is a public health crisis: A data-based conversation about how to

rectify its grave impact. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention.

Seattle, WA.

Chris Gross MSP

Dr. Chris Gross, Philosophy/Theology faculty, editor of the Fall 2024 edition of The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly on Mental Health Care and Catholic Anthropology

Dr. Gross accepted invitation to speak at a bioethics conference for Catholic bishops from USA, Canada, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and Philippines: Dr. Gross will be presenting on the Catholic-Christian Metamodel of the Person

Dr. Kevin Derby, MSP leadership faculty, appointed lead editor of a new journal, the Journal of the American Presidency, a new scholarly journal on leadership and political history

Dr. Gabriel Dy-Liacco MSC

Dy-Liacco, G. S., La Vina, M. C., & Masculino, R. M. M. (2024, October). Basic Orientation Workshop on Safeguarding in the Church for Diocesan Youth Ministers. Five-day workshop given to the diocesan youth ministers of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. 

Gascon SJ, J, U., Masculino, R. M. M., & Dy-Liacco, G. S. (2024, September). Basic Orientation Workshop on Safeguarding in the Church for a Presbyterium. Five-day workshop given to the priests and bishop of the Diocese of Marbel. Mindanao, Philippines.

Dy-Liacco, G. S. (2024, September). Understanding victims/survivors. In Catholic Safeguarding Institute & Pontifical Loyola School of Theology, Graduate diploma in safeguarding. Quezon City, Philippines. Dy-Liacco, G. S. (2024, August). Sexual abuse and the Church. In Catholic Safeguarding Institute & Pontifical Loyola School of Theology, Graduate diploma in safeguarding. Quezon City, Philippines.

Dy-Liacco, G. S., & La Vina, M. C. (2024, August). Basic Orientation Workshop on Safeguarding in the Church. Five-day workshop given to the members of the Cebu Province of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Redemptorist Retreat Center, Cebu City, Philippines.

Dy-Liacco, G. S. (2024, June). Safeguarding in the catholic school. Talk given to administrators, faculty, and staff of St. Scholastica’s School (primary and secondary levels)-Pampanga. San Fernand, Pampanga, Philippines. 

Gascon SJ, J. U., & Dy-Liacco, G. S. (2024, June). Cultivating safe spaces in the catholic church. Talk given to Filipino clerics and consecrated men and women in Rome. Philippine Embassy to the Holy See, Rome. 

Dy-Liacco, G. S., Masculino, R. M. M., & Daly, B. (2024, May). Creating Metropolitan penal tribunal. Two-day workshop given to bishops and safeguarding teams of the Ecclesiastical Province of Jaro. Iloilo City, Philippines.

Dy-Liacco, G. S., La Vina, M. C., & Gascon SJ, J, U. (2024, March). Basic Orientation Workshop on Safeguarding in the Church. Five-day workshop given at the San Carlos National Seminary of the Archdiocese of Manila to applicants for the sacrament of Holy Orders. Guadalupe, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Dy-Liacco, G. S. (2024, June). Safeguarding in the catholic school. Talk given to administrators, faculty, and staff of the archdiocesan school system of the Archdiocese of San Fernando (primary and secondary levels). San Fernand, Pampanga, Philippines. 

Dr. Kimberly Emery

Emery, K. K (September 2024) The Trauma-Informed Assessment of Human Trafficking Survivors. Cape Cod Addictions Symposium, Hyannis. MA. 

Emery, K. K (September 2024) Animal Assisted Therapy and Substance Abuse Treatment. Cape Cod Addictions Symposium, Hyannis. MA. 

Emery, K. (Accepted). Emery, K. (2024). Understanding the Lived Experiences of  Detransitioners. University of Wyoming.

Honors & Awards – Lyle L Miller Counselor Education Fellowship, University of Wyoming 2023-2024 

Dr. Kathie Erwin MSC

Erwin, K.T. (2024). Recognizing Trauma in Older and Vulnerable Adults. In L. Compton &    T. Patterson (Eds.), Skills for Safeguarding: A Guide to Preventing Abuse and Fostering Healing    in the Church Intervarsity Press.

President of Florida Mental Health Counselors Association 2024

Dr. Mark Gerig MSC

Gerig, M. S. (2024). The Integration of a Catholic Christian Meta-model into the Practice of Clinical Mental Health Counseling. The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 24(2), 311-328.

Gerig, M. S. (in process). The Role of Intellectual Virtues in the Practice of Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Journal of Humanistic Counseling.

Gerig, M. S. (Nov. 1, 2024). The role of metaphor and imagination in the practice of counseling. 2024 deNicola Fall Conference. Notre Dame, IN

Immediate Past President of the Association of Counselors, Counselor Educators, Supervisors, and Students (ACCESS): A Division of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies

Dr. Stephen Gitonga MSC

Gitonga, S.K. (2024). Clinical supervision of online group counseling. Session accepted for presentation at the 2024 Pennsylvania Counseling Association conference in Harrisburg, PA. 

Gitonga, S.K. & Patel, J. (2024). Exploration of the challenges that people face finding partners. Presented at the 2024 Association for Humanistic Counseling Conference. 

Gitonga, S.K. & Weaver, L. (2024). Artificial Intelligence: Mental health benefits and concerns. Presented at the 2024 Association for Humanistic Counseling Conference

The Outstanding Supervisor Award – Pennsylvania Counseling Association

Honors & Awards – The Outstanding Supervisor Award – Pennsylvania Counseling Association (2023-2024)

Dr. Tiffany Gunnells MSC

Writing Client-Driven Treatment Plans that are Regulation Friendly – ACA Emerging Professionals Conference, Online presenter. – 11/2024

Dr. Leah Herod MSC

Herod, L.A. (2024, Oct 31). Counseling children: Practicalities and Intervention. (1.5 hours). Presentation and panel discussion at the Global Member Care Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

Herod, L.A. (2024, Oct 29). Counseling children: An overview and practical considerations. (1.5 hours). Presentation and subsequent panel discussion at the Global Member Care Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

Herod, L.A. (2024). Short-term transcultural counseling: Personal experiences, cautions, and considerations. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 14(4), 352-372.

Deneen, C., Herod, L. A., Varghese, S., Chen, T., Sugrue, A., & Wu, H. (2024, Apr 14). Trauma basics for aid workers with refugee populations. (7 hours). Workshop for Global Hope Network International staff in Cairo, Egypt.

Dr. Ian Masson MSC

Relational Repair: Using Relationship Enhancement Therapy to Address Pornography Use in Intimate Relationships. Presenter, Catholic Psychotherapy Association’s national conference Future: 5/2025

Dr. Amanda Salgado MSC

“The Diagnostic Dilemma: Unraveling the Intersection of Medical and Behavioral Symptoms in PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections)”. Presenter,  Law and Ethics in Counseling  Conference in New Orleans.

Future: 2/2025

Dr. Craig Titus PsyD

Titus, C. S. (2024, in print). Philosophy of Mental Health Based on a Catholic Meta-Model of the Person. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly.

Conference. Titus, C. S. (June 4, 2024). The Method Behind the Meta-Model: Integrative Method, Presuppositions, and Personal Wholeness. Universitat Abat Oliba-CEU. Barcelona, Spain. 

Presenter. C. S. Titus (2024-02-22). A Catholic Vision of Vocations in Mental-Health Practice. Continuing Education Presentation (2 hours). Kenyan Catholic Psychology Association. 

Presenter. C. S. Titus (2024-02-29). A Catholic Vision of Virtues in Mental Health Theory and Practice. Continuing Education Presentation (2 hours). Kenyan Catholic Psychology Association.

Presenter. C. S. Titus (2024-04-25). Integration of Christian and Secular Ethics in Clinical Context: Implications of the Catholic Christian Meta-Model of the Person. Continuing Education Presentation (2 hours). Kenyan Catholic Psychology Association.

Presenter, C. S. Titus. (February 1, 2024). Emotions: I. Murphy, The Road to SelfAwareness, Continuing Formation Presentation for the DMU, School of Counseling. Sterling, VA. (.5 hr)

Titus, C. S. (2024). Philosophy of Mental Health Based on a Catholic Meta-Model of the Person. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly. 24(2): 251-280.

Titus, C. S. (October 15, 2024). Resilience, fortitude, & perseverance: Implications for human growth from science, reason, and faith. Aquinas College, Nashville, Tennessee.  Conference.

Titus, C. S. (June 4, 2024). The Method Behind the Meta-Model: Integrative Method, Presuppositions, and Personal Wholeness. Universitat Abat Oliba-CEU. Barcelona, Spain. Conference.

Titus, C. S. Titus (April 25, 2024). Integration of Christian and Secular Ethics in Clinical Context: Implications of the Catholic Christian Meta-Model of the Person. Continuing Education Presentation (2 hours). Kenyan Catholic Psychology Association.

Titus, C. S. (February 22, 2024). A Catholic Vision of Vocations in Mental-Health Practice. Continuing Education Presentation (2 hours). Kenyan Catholic Psychology Association.

Titus, C. S. (February 29, 2024). A Catholic Vision of Virtues in Mental Health Theory and Practice. Continuing Education Presentation (2 hours). Kenyan Catholic Psychology Association.

Dr. Matthew WcWhorter MSC

Meditation as Spiritual Therapy: Bernard of Clairvaux’s De consideratione  (Book)

“Jean Leclercq, Modern Psychology, & Structural Hermeneutics”

“Integration as the Goal of Indigenization: The Cross-Cultural Psychology of Durganand Sinha”

Dr. Mallory Wines MSC

Wines, M. (2024). The Adolescent Brain: Supporting Guardian Ad Litems. Guardian Ad Litem Conference, Lisbon, OH. 

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