Announcing Return to Normal Operations
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,
I am pleased to announce that Divine Mercy University is easing many of the restrictions on campus related to the COVID-19 pandemic including wearing masks for those who are fully vaccinated and social distancing. This announcement is consistent with Virginia Governor Northam’s Executive Order further easing restrictions effective May 28, 2021 (see Governor’s press release) and the updated guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Protection(CDC).
Effective May 28, 2021, the University is returning to pre-COVID operations. There are no requirements to social distance and disinfect or clean between classes or in common spaces. However, cleaning supplies will continue to be available for students, faculty, and staff and the University will continue its enhanced cleaning and disinfection of classrooms and common spaces to maintain a safe environment for everyone on campus.
Fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear a mask on campus. Unvaccinated individuals are encouraged to continue wearing a mask for their protection. To respect individual privacy, there will be no verification of vaccination status. Those without masks will not be restricted from entering the building and a temperature check is no longer required to enter the building. Please follow the CDC’s guidelines for isolation, quarantine, and testing if you have been exposed or become infected with COVID-19. Also, please continue to refer to the DMU website for Coronavirus updates and additional changes to DMU operations as they occur.The PsyD program will continue offering the program in a hybrid format through Summer Semester 2021.
The PsyD program will return to normal, in-person, on-campus operations with the IPS Center Bootcamp that begins July 7, 2021. All PsyD program activities resume in-person and on-campus for all students and faculty in the Fall Semester 2021, beginning with orientation the week of August 9, 2021.
Beginning May 28, 2021, residencies and training for all programs will resume under normal, pre-COVID operations outlined above. This includes on campus training conducted by the Center for Trauma and Resiliency Studies (CTRS), residencies for the Master of Science in Counseling and Spiritual Direction programs, and the IPS Center Bootcamp for the PsyD program. Faculty and staff will resume working from their assigned duty station, either on campus or remotely, as required for their position and as directed by their supervisor.
Our return to normal campus operations are due in large part to the selflessness of every member of the DMU community who over the past 14 months, collectively and individually, acted responsibly protecting one another while continuing to support DMU’s educational mission. I appreciate your sacrifices and dedication through this challenging time. Our faithfulness in trusting God continues to remind us of His promises to protect, strengthen, and love us.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Charles Sikorsky, LC, JD, JCL
Divine Mercy University