Student Health Services: Resources
Mental Health
Student Personal Counseling Services
While it is not the DMU-SOC policy or a part of the CMHC program curricula to require professional counseling, we recognize that personal issues can impede functioning as a counselor in every domain. A high level of personal and professional development occurs while in the DMU program. Willingness to recognize the need for personal counseling as either a step in self-care and personal mental health and wellness, or as well as a personal growth opportunity from the perspective of a client, committing to a course of personal counseling can be cathartic and is considered as a healthy approach to maintaining mental wellness. Personal counseling is strongly recommended for all counseling professionals.
Students who experience personal difficulties as a motive for seeking counseling should explore the availability of services within respective communities. As a student and/or counseling professional, you are required to be knowledgeable about your community mental health resources. Become informed, especially regarding Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Vulnerable Adult Abuse. Find and make a written record of local phone numbers for your regional or state mental health authority (i.e. child and/or adult protective services).
If you feel you are in danger, are a danger to yourself through self-harm, experiencing a mental health emergency, or are otherwise having a medical emergency, DIAL 911 immediately.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1 (800) 273-8255
National Human Trafficking Resource Center: 1 (888) 373-7888
Therapists Online Now:
*Note: Faculty Advisors, or other DMU CMHC administration, staff or faculty may NOT provide psychotherapy or professional counseling for students as part of their role at DMU. The counseling process and agreement with a student would constitute a dual role relationship (see below). CMHC students may be referred for counseling as a result of action under the Professional Behavior Standards outlined in the Student Expectations sections of the handbook.
Student Insurance
The Student Health Insurance Guide has student health and wellness options and resources available for students. International students are required to obtain insurance once they are in the United States. Students enrolled in a clinical program (Psy.D., CMHC) are required to obtain professional liability insurance prior to beginning their practicum/internship experiences.
Emergency Treatment
The University recognizes that it is responsible for assisting students in obtaining reasonable first aid when they are on campus or onsite, including medical treatment in case of emergency, sudden illness or injury while on campus. A list of area hospitals and clinics can be obtained from the Office of Student Services. It is the responsibility of the student to follow through with additional medical attention that may be required following this emergency treatment.