Registrar: Loan Deferrals
- Submit your lender’s Deferral Form to the Office of the Registrar
- If your lender does not have a Deferral Form, see below.
Most lenders provide their own loan deferral forms, often downloadable from their websites. It is always most effective and efficient to use the lender’s provided forms for Enrollment Verification. If a lender does not provide such a form, please email a descriptive request to the Office of the Registrar, so that a letter may be produced, containing:
- Student’s full name
- Social Security number/student I.D.
- Applicable information to be stated in the letter
- Name and address (or fax number) where the letter should be sent
Students should fill out their portions of the deferral forms and submit it to the Office of the Registrar on or after the first day of classes. The Office of the Registrar will then mail or fax the completed form directly to the address or number listed on the form. Each time a lender requires it, the process can be repeated throughout a student’s enrollment at Divine Mercy University. Please allow 3-5 business days from the date of receipt of the request for processing of letters/forms.
Enrollment & Degree Verification
- Submit this Request Form to the Office of the Registrar
- If your requester has a preset form, please include that with your form
A student’s Enrollment Date is the first day of classes in a given semester. Official Enrollment Verification can only be certified as of the first day of classes in a given semester, although a student may be registered for classes prior to that date. Only actual enrollment can be certified. Estimates for completion of a program may be included upon request.
Written requests for general enrollment verification may be submitted in person, by email, or mail to the Office of the Registrar, so that a letter may be produced. Requests should contain:
- Student’s full name
- Social Security number/student I.D.
- Applicable information to be stated in the letter
- Name and address (or fax number) where the letter should be sent
Please allow 3-5 business days from the date of receipt of the request for processing of letters/forms.